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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Access to library and Information system

What is my last book?
Sure my anwer is comic, people have difference taste and most people will read whatever they have intersted ,but we also  read for study and find the information.
How many seeds are in the cantaloue?
:It varies in amout. If you count, odds are there will be different amout each time. Same as the books will give difference information.

Why imagination is more important than knowledge?
Albert Einstein said that "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." And I agree with him imagination bring out of new thing and ideas, but knowledge is already there.

Why do we seek for information?
Most of the time I seek for information when I need to study and find the anwer for my toics. The sourcees that Ibeen use a lot were internet, books, magazines, newspapers, ect.

What is good information?
Relevant: Information must relate to the business at hand. And fulfil the needs of the user. In theory all information required to meet the user's purposed must be avilable.
Timely: Information must be avilable when needed. Within the timeframe desired by the user.
Accurate and complete: All avilable information should be accessible, with emphasis on the right information. This often deends on the context.
Concise: Information must be understand to those who use it, and must be able to be absorbed for action.
Reduces uncertainty: A statement about the sturcture of an entity reduces the unknow about the entity; therefor good information should meet a user's requirement comletely.
The infomation dicision is the best decision. For information to be useful for decision-making, it muse be:
  • the right information
  • avilable at the right time
  • avilable to the right person
  • at the right cost
  • presented in the right format to facilitate a decision

What is poor information?
Irrelevant: Information is of little value when it is too old or out-of-date to be revaant to the need.
Swaming: It is not helpful when information is too voluminous to allow any sense to be made of it. It is qaulity of information that is important, not the quantity.
Unclear: Information is poor when it is not presented in a way that will facilitate a decision.
Not all thew: If information is incomplete, it may fail to provide a clear sense of thr entirety of the roblem.

What are source of infromation?
These are described as:
Primary: informationis generated.
Secondary: sources comment on events, discoveries.
Tertiary: source are used to track existing information.

What web site do you like most?

What the step of learning?
Step 1: Bombard yourself with information
Step 2: Identify the key concepts and make them yours
Step 3: Only memorize what absolutely has to be memorized
Step 4: Get some feedback on your understanding
Step 5: Bombard yourself with some more information, but from another source

Step 6: Get some real-world feedback

What is the web site of Sripatum university library?

What do you want to be in the future? Why?
Own the restaurant because I love cooking, craving and this's world of eating.